Privacy Policy

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Dear customers of TIMIFY, dear visitors of our website,

With the following data protection policy, you will receive information about which of your data we process in connection with the use of our website and the functions, modules and components that can be accessed through it.  

In advance, you will receive a quick overview of the data processing when accessing our website (A. Short overview of data protection at TIMIFY). In section "B. Detailed data protection information", you will find the detailed version as well as information about the specific data processing when using the appointment scheduling solution and specific functions of the website (e.g., newsletter). 


A. Summary – Data protection at TIMIFY

  1. What data is processed when the website is accessed?
    When you visit our website, the IP address is stored on the web server for the duration of your visit. It is not possible for us to draw conclusions about your identity through the IP address.
  2. Are cookies used on the website?
    Yes, session cookies, performance cookies, analysis cookies and advertising cookies are used on our website. Detailed information about how they work, how you can delete these cookies, or how you can prevent their general storage, can be found in the Cookie- and Opt Out Section.
  3. Do we use analysis tools on our website?
    Yes, on our behalf and based on corresponding data protection agreements, evaluations to optimise our website and adapt our services to customer requirements are collected. Detailed information about the service providers performing those tasks, how the analysis tools work and how you can stop or prevent tracking can also be found in the Cookie- and Opt Out Section.
  4. Does a user-related advertisement take place?.
    Yes, we work with service providers who can display user-related advertisements using cookies and advertising IDs. You can also find detailed information about the service providers performing those tasks, the functionality of the advertising tools and the ways in which you can terminate or prevent tracking in the Cookie- and Opt Out Section.
  5. Do we pass on your data to third parties?
    No. We do not pass on your data to third parties. However, we use functions of external service providers within the scope of our web presence. For these cases, however, we have defined corresponding data protection agreements and have assured ourselves by means of technical and organisational measures that these service providers always use the necessary data security measures to protect your data against loss and unauthorised access. Some of these service providers are also based in the United States, and all of them claim to guarantee an adequate level of data protection.
  6. Who can you contact if you have questions?
    If you have any questions about privacy, please contact

B. Detailed data privacy information

I. General information about data protection at TIMIFY

1. Scope

  1. The data protection policy includes the information within the meaning of Art. 13 and 14 EU-DSGVO on data processing within the scope of:
    • (a) Use and access of our website
    • (b) Use of our online scheduling solution including all functionalities, modules and components (COMPONENTS).
  2. As far as we link to pages of third parties, we have neither influence nor control over the linked contents and the data protection regulations there. We recommend that you check the data protection policies on the linked websites to determine whether and to what extent personal data is collected, processed, used or made available to third parties.
  3. For reasons of readability, the differentiated use of different language forms has been dispensed with. All personal designations apply equally to all sexes male/female/divers.

2. Data protection officer

  1. TerminApp GmbH, Balanstraße 73, Building 24, 3rd Floor, 81541 Munich, Germany (TIMIFY), is responsible for data protection on this website. You can reach us on +49 (0)89 - 411 4715 51 or via
  2. For the use of the online scheduling solution itself, including the associated COMPONENTS, the respective customer (hereinafter: CUSTOMER) is responsible for protection of the data in his/her possession, unless otherwise expressly regulated. TIMIFY acts in this respect as a so-called order processor (Art. 28 EU-DSGVO) and is subject to the data protection instructions of his/her customers. Additional information can be found in the section “TIMIFY & Data Protection”.
  3. You can reach our data protection official at HWData GmbH, Leonrodstr. 54, 80636 Munich, Germany, phone + 49 89 / 443 70 177, E-Mail: 

3. Definitions and terminology

  1. In this section you will be given a selection of some legal definitions that may be helpful to you in understanding the Privacy Statement.
  2. The complete text of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) including further definitions and terminology can be found at the following link.
    • (a) Personal data: Any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual (hereinafter "data subject"); an identifiable individual is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, online identifier or one or more specific characteristics that are an expression of the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that individual.
    • (b) Processing: Any operation or set of operations carried out with or without the assistance of automated processes relating to personal data such as collection, recording, organisation, arrangement, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or integration, limitation, erasure or destruction
    • (c)Accountable entity: An individual or a legal entity, public authority or other body which alone or jointly with others decides on the purposes and means of the processing of personal data, designates such processing; if the purposes and means of such processing are laid down by EU law or by the law of the Member States, the accountable entity or the specific criteria of his or her designation may executed in accordance of EU law or the law of the Member States.
    • (d) Recipient: Refers to an individual or a legal entity, authority, institution or other body which may disclose personal data, whether or not it is a third party. However, authorities which may receive personal data in the course of a specific request for inquiry under EU law or the law of the Member States shall not be considered as recipients; the processing of such data by the said authorities shall be carried out in accordance with the applicable data protection rules and in accordance with the purposes of the processing
    • (e) Third party: This is an individual or a legal entity, public authority, agency or other body, other than the data subject, the accountable entity, the processor and the persons authorised to process the personal data under the direct responsibility of the accountable entity or processor.
    • (f) Profiling: Refers to any automated processing of personal data consisting of the use of such personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyse or predict aspects relating to the work performance, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, conduct, whereabouts or movement of that natural person.

I. Data processing upon access to our website

1. Creation of so-called log files

  1. Scope and purpose of data processing
    • (a) TIMIFY collects so-called access data when accessing the website and stores them in a log file. This access data also includes the IP address. The log file also contains the name of the website you have accessed, the file you have accessed, the date and time of access, the amount of data transferred and the message about the successful access, the browser type and version, the operating system, the so-called referrer URL (the previously visited page) as well as the requesting provider. However, no conclusions about your identity can be drawn from this data.
    • (b) We collect the log file data, including the IP address, in order to ensure a trouble-free start-up of the website and a comfortable use of our website by the users. The log file also serves to evaluate system security and stability as well as for administrative purposes (Art. 6 para. 1 f) DS-GVO).
  2. Recipient and processor of data
    • (a) We do not pass on beforementioned data on to third parties.
    • (b) Our website is operated or hosted by the following service provider, which is why this provider has at least theoretical access to the IP address
    ProviderPurpose of data processingInformation on data protection
    Amazon Webservices Inc.,
    410 Terry Drive Ave North,
    WA 98109-5210 Seattle, USA
    Hosting und Backup
    Data processing takes place exclusively in the Amazon Web Services data centres with offices in Europa (Dublin)
  3. Duration of data storage
    • (a) The log files, i.e. the IP address contained therein, are automatically deleted two (2) months after collection. Before this, however, the IP address is anonymised and only stored for administrative (technical) purposes.
    • (b) The provision of the aforementioned personal data is neither legally nor contractually stipulated. However, without the data, the service and functionality of our website may not be guaranteed, or individual services may not be available or restricted.

2. Cookies

  1. Description and purpose of data processing
    • (a) Cookies are small text files which enable us to make the use of our offers and our website more pleasant for the users, e.g. by being able to determine whether you have already visited a single page of our website and thereby store information about your preferred activities on the website, or thus align our website to your individual interests. As soon as a user accesses our platform, a cookie is stored on the end device (laptop, tablet, smartphone or PC) of the respective user.
    • (b) Upon access of our website, no personal reference can be established from the cookie data, including the IP address. This can only be the case if you log into your user account at the same time. In this case we can assign the IP address directly to you. With the help of the cookie identifier, we learn, for example, whether and to what extent you have already visited our websites, whether you have already registered with us with a specific identifier and when you returned to this identifier (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f, DSGVO)
    • (c) This website uses the following types of cookies, the scope and operation of which are explained below: Session cookies, performance cookies, analysis cookies and advertising cookies.
  2. Overview of Cookies, duration of storage and deletion
    Details about the cookies used on the website, the providers of these cookies, the specific purpose that the cookies fulfil and a description of how you can delete these cookies and prevent their storage can be found in the Cookie- and Opt Out Section.

3. Web and user analytics

  1. Description and purpose of data processing
    • (a) So-called tracking and web analysis tools are used on our website. This describes the collection of access data on our website and the evaluation of the behaviour of our visitors for the purpose of optimising our offer. These tools can be used to investigate how and where visitors come to our site, which areas of a website are visited most frequently and how often and for how long which subpages and categories are viewed. In addition, we can determine which search terms and websites the user has entered and evaluate how many users visit our pages in total and which information or offers are most in demand. The aim is to use the knowledge gained to make our offers and our website user-friendly. Through statistical evaluation of the usage profiles, statements can be derived about the functionality and success of our websites and functions, such as answers to questions about how often information pages on specific product groups were called up or how many visitors clicked on specific offers. With the help of tracking tools, we can target our offerings more specifically at our customers, visitors and prospects.
    • (b) With the help of tracking tools, the behaviour of website visitors can be evaluated, and their interests analysed. For this purpose, we create a pseudonymous user profile. If you also log into your account with your user data, we can use this profile information to draw conclusions about your person (profiling).
    • (c) The legal basis in this respect is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO regulation. Here we do not see any significant interference in the personal rights of our customers, as such profiles are created and processed using pseudonyms and the analysis always refers to the use of our appointment booking solution and the corresponding components. In this respect we consider the interest in an optimal preparation of the information and our services to be predominant. The right to object to such profiling at any time remains unaffected.
  2. Recipients and processors of data
    • (a) We do not pass on your data to third parties. In the area of web and user analysis, we collaborate with professional service providers who accumulate user statistics on our behalf. The basis of this contractual relationship is, among other things, the obligation of the providers to have taken special precautions to protect your data and to process all personal data only in accordance with our instructions (Art. 28 DSGVO).
    • (b) The details of the supplier(s) (processor(s)) in this processing operation are as follows:
    ProviderToolDetails on provider & data protection notes & privacy shield
    Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland (Google)
    Google Analytics

    Bugsnag Inc.
    939 Harrison St., San Francisco, California, 94107, United States
    Website- and analytics tool

    Security and analyics tool
  3. Duration of data storage
    • (a) Further details about the providers, the functionality of web tracking as well as information about technologies that are used within the framework of these tracking tools, the storage period for cookies used for this purpose and information about how you can delete this data or how you can object to processing can be found in the Cookie- and Opt Out Section.
    • (b) The provision of the aforementioned personal data is neither legally nor contractually stipulated.

4. User-related advertising

  1. Description and purpose of data processing
    • (a) So-called advertising tracking tools are used on the website. With the help of these advertising tracking tools, we can display individual advertisements on our websites, which are selected (automatically) according to the preferences of the visitors. Technically, advertising tracking is usually carried out via advertising IDs, in which user profiles are created by the providers of advertising networks using cookies, among other things, and when a website is called up, the advertisement is placed based on the cookie profile. Using tracking pixels on various websites, the first time a user visits one of the advertising partner's websites, the advertising partner initiates the storage of cookies on the user's terminal devices by the advertising partner. Through such remarketing offers, a user can be "tracked" on the Internet and (allegedly) be shown particularly interesting offers. In many cases, tracking is also carried out via so-called browser fingerprints, in which information such as the individual setting of screen resolution, colour depth, time zone and installed plug-ins are used to identify users or user groups.
    • (b) With the help of advertising tracking tools, we can target our offer more specifically to our customers, visitors and interested parties. With the help of the advertising tracking tools and the associated advertising circuit, it is also possible for us or third parties to earn money with the advertisements. In addition, we can use user behaviour to determine which areas of our website may be of interest to visitors in order to display targeted advertising. The ads are displayed according to the thematic orientation of a website and the associated search behaviour of the user. These advertising tracking tools can thus examine where visitors come from, which areas of a website are visited and how often and for how long which subpages and categories are viewed. Common advertising measures are, for example, retargeting or remarketing, in which a user can be addressed again at other times and places on the net, e.g. by displaying products that he has previously visited on other websites or that might be of interest to the user. The legal basis in this respect is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DS-GVO. Here we do not see any significant interference in the personal rights of our customers, as such professionals are created and processed purely anonymously, and the analysis always refers to the use of our appointment booking solution and the corresponding components. In this respect, we consider the interest in an optimal preparation of the information and our services to be predominant. The right to object to such profiling at any time remains of course unaffected.
  2. Recipient and person responsible in the context of this data processing
    • (a) We do not pass on your personal data to unauthorized third parties. Regarding the aforementioned tool, Google is not the processor of the order, but the person responsible in terms of data protection. This means that we have no direct influence on the type and scope of data processing. The decision as to why whom and on what basis advertising is displayed is therefore incumbent on Google.
    • (b) Currently we are collaborating with the following providers:
    Provider/toolPurpose of data processingInformation on data protection
    Google Double-Click Ad Exchange
    Ad server for the integration of advertising by third parties (advertising service)
  3. Duration of data storage
    • (a) Further details about the providers, the functionality of the advertising tracking as well as information about technologies used in the context of these advertising tools, the storage period of the cookies used for this purpose and information on how you can delete this data or how you can object to the processing can be found in the Cookie- and Opt Out Section.
    • (b) The provision of the personal data is neither legally nor contractually stipulated.

C. Data processing upon registration as a TIMIFY CUSTOMER

1. Description and purpose of data processing

    • (a) When you register with us as a customer, we first process your data to create and provide your customer account. The following data is required for this purpose: E-mail address, first and last name, address and type of your business.
    • (b) You can use this account to create your profile, enter appointments, services and employee data and evaluate your booking behaviour with the help of our statistics tools. You can also use the dashboard to adapt the appointment booking solution to your individual wishes and preferences. If you already have a customer account, we need your login data to verify your customer account. The legal basis in this case is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b DSGVO).

2. Recipient and processor of data

    • (a) We do not pass on your personal data to third parties-
    • (b) We do, however, work with a professional service provider who, through its platform, gives us the opportunity to provide support and assistance to you in connection with the use of your Account. This includes, for example, support requests or technical problem solutions that arise within the scope of using your TIMIFY account. In order to guarantee an optimal support, this service provider processes the e-mail address, the first and last name, the address, the company and industry as well as the country of origin and mobile phone number on our behalf, so that we can facilitate a smooth allocation of your request. The basis of this contractual relationship is, among other things, the provider's obligation to have taken special precautions to protect your data and to process all personal data only in accordance with our instructions (Art. 28 DSGVO).
    • (c) Currently we are collaborating with the following providers:
    ProviderToolDetails on provider & data protection notes
    Intercom, Inc.
    55 2nd Street, 4th Floor,
    San Francisco, California, 94105, USA
    Provision and maintenance of a chat- und support module
    Appcues Inc.
    54 Canal Street, 5th Floor,
    Boston, MA 02114, USA
    Customer communications tool
    • (d) Your payment details (e.g., for a Premium or Enterprise Account) will be transmitted to the relevant payment service provider depending on the means of payment you have selected. The responsibility for your payment data rests with the payment service provider (person responsible in terms of data protection). We currently collaborate with the following service providers:
    ProviderContact data Information on data protection
    Braintree Inc.

    Stripe Inc.

    Pay-Pal Inc.
    222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza #800
    Chicago, IL 60654, USA

    510 Townsend Street
    San Francisco, CA 94103, USA

    2211 N 1st St
    San Jose, CA 95131, USA

3. Duration of data protection:

    • (a) The personal data stored by you in your account are available to you for the duration of your account with us and are stored by us in principle for this duration. Apart from this, however, the deletion takes place at the latest 10 years after the last date booking or login with the customer account. In this case we will inform you in advance about the planned deletion of your account. Personal data will also be deleted if you do this yourself regarding individual data or if you request us to do so.
    • (b) Invoices and order confirmations shall be processed or deleted by us considering the applicable tax and commercial retention periods.

D. Data processing upon registration as a consumer

1. Description and purpose of data processing

    • (a) If you are a consumer and would like to book appointments with a TIMIFY customers, you may register via TIMIFY. In this case, you must provide your e-mail address and mobile phone number as well as additional data. After a confirmation you can use your email address and a password to log onto your account. This allows you to make appointments with TIMIFY customers of your choice and to contact them without having to register with them again in advance. The legal basis in this case is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) DSGVO.
    • (b) Alternatively, you can use a guest access. You only need to enter your name, email address and mobile phone number once. However, a new guest account is required for each new appointment booking.
    • (c) We use the registration data to create pseudonymous user profiles for the purpose of analysing and evaluating booking behaviour. The aim is to optimise our offers and services for third parties, e.g., to find out who prefers which kind of products or services. This data is also passed on anonymously to companies. A processing and/or passing on of your personal data (real data) is not taking place. Therefore, a direct conclusion to you as an individual is not possible. The legal basis in this respect is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. We do not see any significant interference in the personal rights of our customers, since these profiles are created and processed anonymously and the analysis only relates to the use of our appointment booking solution and the corresponding components. In this respect it is paramount to ensure an optimal preparation of information and a continuous improvement of our service offer. The right to object to such profiling at any time remains, of course, unaffected.

2. Recipient and processor of data

  1. We do not pass on your personal data to unauthorized third parties. Excluded from this are anonymous user profiles, which we pass on to advertising and cooperation partners. However, we would like to emphasise once again that no conclusions can be drawn about you as an individual.

3. Duration of data storage

  1. The personal data stored by you in your account is available to you if your account with us exists and is stored by us for this duration. Apart from this,however, the deletion takes place at the latest 10 years after the last booking or access to the customer account. In this case we will inform you in advance about the planned deletion of your account. Your personal data will be deleted if you ask us to do this in your name, or if you choose to do it yourself.

E. Newsletter

1. Description and purpose of data processing

    • (a) If you subscribe to our e-mail newsletter, we will regularly update you with information about our offers, promotions or news concerning TIMIFY. Your e-mail address and your name are mandatory for the transmission of the newsletter in order to be able to address you personally. We use the so-called double opt-in procedure to send the newsletter. This means that we only send you an e-mail newsletter after you have expressly confirmed that you agree to receive the newsletter. We will send you a confirmation e-mail asking you to confirm that you wish to receive the newsletter in the future by clicking on an appropriate link. Only with the activation of the confirmation link do you give us your consent for the use of your personal data. The data will only be used for advertising purposes in the newsletter. Legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) DSGVO.
    • (b) When sending the newsletter, we also automatically evaluate your user behaviour. For this evaluation, the sent newsletters contain so-called web beacons, or tracking pixels, with the help of which we can determine that you have received or opened the newsletter or whether you have clicked on links stored in the newsletter. With the data obtained in this way, we create a user profile in order to tailor the newsletter to your individual interests. We may use tracking to link this data to actions you take on our website. The legal basis is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) DS-GVO. In this respect, we see no significant interference in the personal rights of our customers, especially as an objection is possible at any time and the analysis always refers to the use of our appointment booking solution and the corresponding components. In this respect we consider the interest in an optimal preparation of the information and our services to be predominantly.

2. Recipient and processor of data

    • (a) We do not pass on your personal data, which you provide to us when registering for the newsletter, to unauthorised third parties. However, the newsletter tool is provided by an external provider, which is why we have signed an order data processing agreement with this company. The basis of this contractual relationship is, among other things, the provider's obligation to take special precautions to protect your data and to process all personal data only in accordance with our instructions (Art. 28 DSGVO). The registered office of this provider is in the USA.
    • (b) Currently we are collaborating with the following providers:
    ProviderPurpose of data processingInformation on data protection
    Intercom, Inc.
    55 2nd Street, 4th Floor,
    San Francisco, California, 94105, USA
    Provision and maintenance of a chat and support module

3. Duration of data storage

  1. You may at any time object to the receipt of newsletters and thus to the processing of your data for the purpose of e-mail advertising (marketing). If youno longer wish to receive e-mails, you can click on the "unsubscribe link" in any e-mail or contact us at For this no additional costs apply other than the standard transmission costs. The lawfulness of the processing based on the consent remains unaffected until your revocation. If you do not wish that your data is automatically evaluated and your user data analysed in connection with the newsletter, you should unsubscribe from the newsletter service. Until then, the data will be stored as long as you have subscribed to the newsletter. After you have unsubscribed, we store the data purely statistically and anonymously.

F. Use of the support portal (chat)

1. Description and purpose of data processing

    • (a) We use contact and chat features on our website to communicate with our customers and other interested parties and to respond to their concerns and requests. The requests and information addressed to us in this context are processed exclusively for the purpose of processing your request and contacting you.
    • (b) Generally, we do not require any personal data to answer your questions. At the same time, however, the data can also be used to identify you as a customer with that data or have questions about your account. The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) DSGVO. If you are already a customer, data processing is based on Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b) DSGVO.

2. Recipient and processor of data

    • (a) We do not pass on personal information that you share with us through the chat and support features with unauthorized third parties. However, chat and support module are provided by an external provider and we have therefore entered into an order data processing agreement with that provider. The basis of this contractual relationship is, among other things, the obligation of the provider to have taken special precautions to protect your data and to process all personal data only in accordance with our instructions (Art. 28 DSGVO). The registered office of this provider is located in the USA.
    • (b) We currently collaborate with the following providers:
    ProviderPurpose of data processingInformation on data protection
    Intercom, Inc.
    55 2nd Street, 4th Floor,
    San Francisco, California, 94105, USA
    Provision and maintenance of a chat and support module

3. Duration of data processing

  1. The data will be automatically deleted as soon as your request has been fully processed and/or answered, but no later than three months after your request has been answered. If you are a customer, we will store this data for no longer than the duration of the contractual business relationship with you. Data storage is always limited to the provision of any support services to which we are contractually obliged. In addition, you can revoke your consent to data processing at any time in advance, without affecting the legality of the processing that took place based on the consent up to the time of revocation.

G. Use of TIMIFY scheduling solution and its components

1. General

    • (a) Our scheduling solution and the associated components follow the principle of the technology design required under data protection law and guarantee data protection-friendly default settings. To this end, the solutions and services ensure that any processing of personal data is minimised, that personal data is pseudonymised as quickly as possible, that transparency is created with regard to the functions and processing of personal data, that the data subject is enabled to monitor the processing of personal data and that the data controller is enabled to create and improve security functions.
    • (b) Through the development, design, selection and use of applications, services and products, we ensure that our customers, can fulfil their data protection obligations towards their own customers.

2. Appointment scheduling

  1. Regarding the use and application of our appointment scheduling solution, the customer is responsible for data protection. TIMIFY acts as a so-called order processor within the sense of Art. 28 DSGVO. TIMIFY is subject to the instructions of the customers and guarantees the required data security levels. For his part, the customer must ensure that the data processing of his own customers is carried out in accordance with the relevant data protection provisions (e.g., use of marketing tools with the corresponding consent of the customer).

3. Apps

  1. The appointment scheduling solution allows customers to add and use various third-party apps. Details about the type and scope of data processing can be found in the corresponding data protection information of these app providers.

4. Analytics and evaluations

  1. In addition to the administration of appointments and consumer data, TIMIFY offers the possibility of comprehensive analyses and evaluations. TIMIFY prepares comprehensive statistics on behalf of the customer and makes them available e.g., via a dashboard. However, TIMIFY also uses this statistical data for its own purposes, for example to optimize offers and services. The evaluation and use for TIMIFY's own purposes, however, always takes place by means of anonymous usage profiles, whereby a direct link with the data of your customers is always excluded. The legal basis in this case is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO.

H. Social plugins & social networks

1. Facebook Connect

    • (a) You can log on to your account with your Facebook login data (Facebook Connect) as a consumer. Facebook Connect is a service that enables Facebook social network users to log onto our websites with their Facebook profile without having to create separate accounts.
    • (b) In order to use the Facebook Connect plugin used here, you need a Facebook account. When using this tool, at least the full name will be linked to our account. Further details are displayed to the consumer in a pop-up.
    • (c) We have no influence on the data collected and data processing procedures, nor are we aware of the full scope of data collection, the purposes of processing and the storage periods. We also do not have any information on the deletion of the collected data by the plug-in provider. From our end, the login data and the IP address are transmitted to the network. If you decide to register with Facebook-Connect and click on the "Login with Facebook" / "Connect with Facebook" button, you will be automatically redirected to the Facebook platform. There you can log on with your user data. After successful authentication, a connection is established between the Facebook profile and our website, via which data can be transferred. You can now use the services of our website without having to enter a separate profile with your personal data.
    • (d) Please note that Facebook uses Facebook Connect to obtain information about the application and/or website, including what actions you are taking. In order to personalize the connection process, Facebook may in some cases receive a limited amount of information before authorizing the application or website. The purpose and scope of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data by Facebook as well as your related rights and privacy settings can be found in the Privacy Policy at: We use Facebook Connect to obtain information from our customers about the interests that are relevant to our offerings and services. By automatically updating the data via the Facebook profile, we receive above all current data and can generate a higher number of registered appointment books due to the simplified login process. Based on our experience, you will be able to generate more new customers if they do not have to create additional accounts (Art. 6 para. 1 f) DSGVO).

2. General information on our social media presence

    • (a) TIMIFY operates presences on several online platforms and social networks in order to interact with prospective or existing customers, to exchange information with interested parties and users, or to promote offers and services. Some of them include:
    Contact dataInformation of data protection

    Google/ YouTube




    Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland

    Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland

    Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA

    Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA

    LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

    XING AG, Dammtorstraße 29-32, 20354 Hamburg, Deutschland
  1. (b) Please note that in case of interaction via the above providers, data may also be processed outside the territory of the European Union, whereby the providers have committed themselves to comply with EU data protection standards.
  2. (c) Furthermore, user data is usually processed for market research and advertising purposes. For example, user profiles can be created based on user behaviour and the resulting interests of users. The usage profiles can in turn be used, for example, to place advertisements inside and outside the platforms which are presumed to correspond to the interests of the users. For these purposes, cookies are usually stored on the user's computer in which the user's usage behaviour and interests are stored. Remote users can also store data in the user profiles independently of the devices used by the users (especially if the users are members of the respective platforms and are logged in to them).

    3. Facebook-Fan page

      • (a) We operate our fan page on Facebook in so-called joint responsibility with the provider. As part of the interaction via our fan page, we receive statistical data from Facebook for the use of our fan page. This includes, for example, information about interactions, likes, comments, or aggregate information and statistics (such as the age or origin of our followers) that help us learn about interactions with our site. For more information about nature and extent of these statistics, please see the Facebook Page Statistics page and the respective responsibilities in the Facebook Page Insights supplement. The legal basis for this data processing is Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. b) DS-GVO and Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. f) DS-GVO.
      • (b) We have no influence on data that Facebook processes under its own responsibility in accordance with Facebook's terms of use. We would like to point out that when you visit the fan page, data concerning your user behaviour is transferred from Facebook and the fan page to Facebook. Facebook itself processes the aforementioned information in order to compile more detailed statistics and for its own market research and advertising purposes over which we have no control. You can find more detailed information on this in the above-mentioned Facebook data protection information.
      • (c) As far as we have personal data from you during the operation of the fan page, you are entitled to the rights listed in this data protection statement. If you also wish to assert rights against Facebook, you can contact Facebook directly via this link. Facebook knows the details of the technical operation of the fan page and the associated data processing as well as the concrete purposes of data processing and can implement appropriate measures if you make use of your rights.

    I. Job Applications

    1. Information on the type and scope of data processing in the context of applications via our website will be provided separately before you submit your application documents. If you apply to us by e-mail, you will receive the necessary data protection information immediately afterwards.

    J. Marketing & customer communication

    1. If the Customer signs a contract with TIMIFY and provides the electronic postal address (e-mail), TIMIFY has the right to use this electronic postal address (e-mail address) of the Customer for direct advertising for its own similar goods or services. However, the Customer is of course entitled to object to the use of the electronic postal address (e-mail address) at any time without incurring any costs other than the transmission costs according to the basic rates.

    K. Data security

      • (a) We maintain current technical measures to ensure data security, to protect your personal data from the dangers of data transmission and from third parties gaining knowledge. These are continuously adapted to the current state of technology and reviewed. In order to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the data provided by you on our website, this data is transmitted via "https" and Transport Layer Security (TLS).
      • (b)You can access further information on data security in the section TIMIFY & data protection

    L. Your rights

      • (a) You have the right to request confirmation from TIMIFY at any time as to whether we process personal data from you and the right of information about this personal data. In addition, you have the right to correction, deletion and restriction of data processing, as well as the right to object to the processing of personal data at any time, to revoke your consent to data processing at any time or to demand data transfer.
      • (b)All requests for information, enquiries, revocations or objections to data processing should be sent by e-mail to or to our data protection officer. In addition, you have the right to complain to a regulatory authority in the event of data protection violations.

    M. Information on special rights to revocation

    1. You have the right, for reasons arising from your situation, to object at any time to the processing of any personal data relating to you based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. e) or f) DSGVO, pursuant to Art. 21 DSGVO. We will stop processing your personal data unless we can provide compelling reasons for processing which outweigh your interests, rights and freedom, or if the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims. If you wish to exercise your right of objection, simply send an e-mail to
    Stand: 12.02.2019; ENG Übersetzung 10.04.2019